Reverend Clifton Alexander

Reverend Clifton Alexander, wife Mary Jane, and family came to the Texas Panhandle in 1884. He was a Presbyterian Minister serving in Sherman, Texas in 1884 when he left for Mobeetie. Rev. Alexander died of pneumonia in 1886 and his widow, Mary Jane elected to stay in the Panhandle with her five children.
She filed on a section of land near Mobeetie in Wheeler County and became the first woman-rancher, moving to the land November, 1886. She and her children lived on the ranch.
Their son Theodore (R.T.) remained on the ranch and expanded the one original section to the present Alexander Ranch. The Alexander family's Registered Cattle Business began in 1909. They are one of the oldest Hereford Breeders in the Panhandle. The land that he developed into an outstanding cattle ranch is still owned by members of the Alexander Family.